Reaching the peak performance in religion, family and business
Maximize my potential to serve the Lord, guide the family and helping others with enthusiasm, quality and sincerity
There is no time without work. Sure of goals, keep trying, God is always prepared the way.
Name: Muhammad Yusuf
Place of Birth: Batang, Central Java
Date of Birth: August 29, 1973
Religion: Islam
Status: Married
Children: 3 boys
Address: Jatiwaringin, Pondok Gede, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia 17411
SD: SDN Pandasari, Warungasem, Batang
SMP: SMP N 6 Pekalongan
SMA: SMAN 1 Pekalongan
Strata-1: High School Technology of Telkom / STT Telkom/Department of Electrical Engineering
Strata-2: Institut Teknologi of Sepuluh November / ITS/ Department of Information Technology Management
Course supervisor / Suslia: Year 2000
Course leader / Suspim 135-B: Year 2008
Various professional training
Various enterprenuership training
East Surabaya: Year 1996-1998
East Java : Year 1998-2003
East Indonesia : Year 2003-2006
Head Office: 2006 - 2011
Jakarta, 2012 - present
CV. Arum Raya: Year 2006.....
Mosque Takmir of Takobbar, Ketintang Surabaya: Year 1999-2002
Mosque Takmir of Juanda Harapan Permai, Surabaya: Year 2000-2002
Board committees of PC NU Surabaya: Year 2000-2002
NU Board Scholar Association (ISNU) Surabaya: Year 2000-2002
Board committees of Employees Union of Telkom Makassar: Year 2001-2002
Board committees of Lembaga Amil Zakat Nurul Iman of Makassar: Year 2004-2006
Mosque Takmir of Al-Mujahidin, Jatiwaringin: Year 2007-present
Reaching the peak performance in religion, family and business
Maximize my potential to serve the Lord, guide the family and helping others with enthusiasm, quality and sincerity
There is no time without work. Sure of goals, keep trying, God is always prepared the way.
Name: Muhammad Yusuf
Place of Birth: Batang, Central Java
Date of Birth: August 29, 1973
Religion: Islam
Status: Married
Children: 3 boys
Address: Jatiwaringin, Pondok Gede, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia 17411
SD: SDN Pandasari, Warungasem, Batang
SMP: SMP N 6 Pekalongan
SMA: SMAN 1 Pekalongan
Strata-1: High School Technology of Telkom / STT Telkom/Department of Electrical Engineering
Strata-2: Institut Teknologi of Sepuluh November / ITS/ Department of Information Technology Management
Course supervisor / Suslia: Year 2000
Course leader / Suspim 135-B: Year 2008
Various professional training
Various enterprenuership training
East Surabaya: Year 1996-1998
East Java : Year 1998-2003
East Indonesia : Year 2003-2006
Head Office: 2006 - 2011
Jakarta, 2012 - present
CV. Arum Raya: Year 2006.....
Mosque Takmir of Takobbar, Ketintang Surabaya: Year 1999-2002
Mosque Takmir of Juanda Harapan Permai, Surabaya: Year 2000-2002
Board committees of PC NU Surabaya: Year 2000-2002
NU Board Scholar Association (ISNU) Surabaya: Year 2000-2002
Board committees of Employees Union of Telkom Makassar: Year 2001-2002
Board committees of Lembaga Amil Zakat Nurul Iman of Makassar: Year 2004-2006
Mosque Takmir of Al-Mujahidin, Jatiwaringin: Year 2007-present
kayaknya ada yg salah:
BalasHapusTelkom, East Indonesia Division: Year 2003-2006
Board committees of Employees Union of Telkom Makassar: Year 2001-2002