Buku ini ditulis oleh Simon Sinek, terbit Februari 2017. Orang ini cukup populer di You Tube, karena ceramahnya tentang Leadership banyak di tonton orang. Terutama ceramah di forum TED Talk. Berikut adalah cuplikan kalimat-kalimat keren dalam buku tersebut.
- When the people have to manage dangers from inside the organization, the organization itself becomes less able to face dangers from outside. Agar perusahaan mampu menghadapi berbagai tantangan eksternal, perusahaan harus mempu memberi saya aman, the circle of safety, kepada seluruh pegawai dan sistem di dalamnya.
- Every single employee is someone's son or someone's daughter. Like a parent, a leader of a company is responsible for their precious lives.
- Treat people like family and not as mere employees
- Letting someone into an organization is like adopting a child
- Strong leader thrive to extend the circle of safety to include every single person.
- Inside a circle of safety, we feel like we belong
- Sacrifice the number to save the people. Lead the people, not the numbers
- The Whitehall Studies: Less Control More Stress
- Working late does not negatively affect our children, but rather, how we feel at work does.
- Endorphins serve one purpose, to mask physical pain.
- Dopamine is the reason for the good feeling we get when we find something we're looking for or do something that needs to get done
- Serotonin is the feeling of pride
- Oxytocin is the feeling of frienship, love or deep trust
- Leader choose to eat last
- We don't trust rules, we trust people
- Trust is like lubricant. It reduces friction and creates conditions much more conducive to performance
- Dunban Number is about 150
- In a weak culture, we veer away from doing the right thing in favor of doing the thing that's right for me
- Building trust requires nothing more than telling the truth
- Customer will never love a company, until the employees love it first
- When we share the hardship, we biologically grow closer
- Small company struggle to stay alive, established ones to grow.
- Established company need a vision of the world that does not yet exist, outsizes the resources available
- Human being have thrived for fifty thousand years not because we are driven to serve ourselves, but because we are inspired t serve others
- Leader give a good reason to commit ourselves to each other.
- Leadership is always a commitment to human being
- Being a leader is like being a parent.
Semoga menginspirasi.
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